
The October Garden

Has it really been a month since my last post! October really does seem to have just flown by, and the garden has taken a bit of a back seat while I've been busy with other things. The exceptionally mild weather has left the garden looking fairly good considering it's nearly November. Deciduous trees are only just starting to lose their leaves, and many plants still have flowers that usually would have stopped blooming long ago. I've been out...


The September Garden

September is nearly over, and although the nights have got a lot chillier here and there's a bit of a nip in the air during the day, it's still quite beautiful and sunny.   Aside from fighting my squirrel battle I've just been enjoying the garden, wandering round with a cup of tea, drooling over the latest plant catalogues and generally taking a week off from any hard work. Over the next fortnight, I'll be adding my yearly mulch of bark....


They may look cute, but...!

I was busy last week, planting out hundreds of Spring bulbs. I had visions of a wonderful display of tulips like those I saw at RHS Wisley earlier this year. Just gorgeous! So I broke my back and a trowel, digging down deep into the clay soil to put out my lovely new selection of blooms. It took me two days, and I was pretty chuffed after I'd finished, sat back, rubbed my hands and thought 'Job well done'. Hmm, it never does to be complacent...


In Bloom for September

Summer is still clinging on here in London. We had a gorgeous couple of days last week where the temperature hit the mid 80's...and I was out planting Spring bulbs! It felt quite strange to be doing that in the sunshine, but nice to work while it is still warm. There are lots of blooms still going strong, not least the roses nearly all of which are in flower again.  This is Joseph's Coat, my absolute favourite rose. I just love the myriad of...