September is nearly over, and although the nights have got a lot chillier here and there's a bit of a nip in the air during the day, it's still quite beautiful and sunny.
Aside from fighting my squirrel battle I've just been enjoying the garden, wandering round with a cup of tea, drooling over the latest plant catalogues and generally taking a week off from any hard work. Over the next fortnight, I'll be adding my yearly mulch of bark. I find this helps so much at keeping the weeds away and it shows the plants off well too. It takes a while, but I actually enjoy doing it.
I am off to purchase some more bulbs at the weekend though, because I know by the time Spring comes the garden will be sadly lacking in tulips! Someone suggested sprinkling the bulbs with cayenne pepper before planting them, but I'm not sure if this works, or if it would harm the squirrels if they still ate them. The dilemmas of a gardener! This next purchase will be grown in pots until planting out time in Spring.
The growhouse is a little less packed as I planted out a mass of bedding plants I'd been growing on into the front garden. There are still cuttings and seedlings and I'll be trying to overwinter some tender plants in there soon. The coldframe is bursting with cuttings so there's no more room for anything in there.
The garden has recovered nicely from it's revamp and everything is growing back. What a shame it will die back again when the weather eventually starts to turn. The Hardy Geraniums are rampant although with more foliage than flowers, just a sprinkling of those here and there. The Cyclamens are looking great though.
I hope you liked the overviews and that you've been able to put your feet up a bit and enjoy your late September gardens. :-) .
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